Forums / The hangaround / Everyone Who is Selling Cheap Tree

Everyone Who is Selling Cheap Tree
03:30:40 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. Drunkoldman:

stop. I know you want your's to be bought faster than everyone else's, but it's really unwise to undercut everyone so low every time. the price has gone from 2.7 a day and a half ago or so back down to .99.

all the tree that will every get bought on the market will eventually get bought no matter if you keep the price at 2 or .99. for that matter maybe even 3? why not find out?

edit: wrong forum can someone move it?

03:37:03 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. Theophilus XII:

Its strategy, my friend. If you want yours sold, sell it cheaper. If they need the gold faster they can sell it cheaper. They will get less, but that also means its gold not going to you.

I think I might put 1,000,000 up on the market around the .99 mark to toy with things ;)

03:37:10 Sep 19th 09 - Duke Random:

because its a buyers market from here on in.....

If there is no demand then there is excess supply, who is to say that you who sells at 3 will ever get yours bought when you are always undercut for 2.99

The tree market dies after oop now days because the majority of people STOPPED FARMING.

03:44:23 Sep 19th 09 - Sir Lazydragoon:

i am confused by this stopped farming thing...i am enjoying the 1g tree

03:48:46 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. Law:

yes it's a good price stop complaining.

04:14:32 Sep 19th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

what Random said :P

wait til a bored StGer gets a big surplus and they will correct the market sometime for ya :)

04:18:19 Sep 19th 09 - Sir Gonads The Raging:

I like cheap tree..

PS: - Whats an StGer?

06:36:38 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

tree. i like tree.

06:47:11 Sep 19th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

I like wood...oh wait that came out wrong didn't it? >.>

07:00:48 Sep 19th 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

money. I love money.

07:02:03 Sep 19th 09 - Sir Gonads The Raging:

I love swimming pools. Only open ones though.  ;(

07:25:38 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. Melstatt:

Can this be removed from Politics?

07:46:26 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

cheap tree, dream of every casting mage :D

10:03:36 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. The Beast:

less your  tree at like 0.44 to natives. if they dont buy sell more tree (like 100k tree) for 1 gold..

14:30:45 Sep 19th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Sir Gonads The Raging


08:18:19 Sep 19th 09

I like cheap tree..

PS: - Whats an StGer?


You should ask random ;) A StGer is a person who utilises the market to obtain a huge surplus of stone, while casting Stone to Gold on their warehouse city, giving them butt tons of gold, blah blah blah.

On a good day, you can StG over 1 Billion gold per day =)

15:21:10 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. The Beast:

lol maybe end of era. and if u buy at 0.95 u earn 50 mil?

15:50:57 Sep 19th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Random had a day in mid era two eras ago, I was elf, and StG well over 1 Billion for him, on more than one day.

16:24:59 Sep 19th 09 - Mr. Ezatous:

fascinating, please, continue.

18:59:57 Sep 19th 09 - Duke Random:

shut up swifty, noone likes you.

00:23:59 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:


03:37:03 Sep 19th 09 Its strategy, my friend. If you want yours sold, sell it cheaper. If they need the gold faster they can sell it cheaper. They will get less, but that also means its gold not going to you.

I think I might put 1,000,000 up on the market around the .99 mark to toy with things ;)

any tree seller who drops the market on purpose is stupid...its not strategy its stupidity......

00:29:50 Sep 20th 09 - Duchess Medusa:

Its one of the game tactics... Someone needs trees so he places some trees on the market cheaper, and then everyone else undercutts cause they want to sell faster. That was people that need trees can get it lot cheaper. And people that actually wanted to make some profit do not understand it and they keep making it cheaper.

The price is now under 0,9 I think and its not going up easy... Unless someone buys everything and then makes the price higher. Some people do it, but in long run I think you dont get profit.

00:51:14 Sep 20th 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

amazing. tell moar sweet tactics plz

00:51:27 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Aposaurusrex:

you can get profits from buying up low priced food and selling it again.  Im not sure about tree cause with food most people still need to feed there peasents but with tree you dont need it if your not building new buildings so the demand drops once big wars start.

01:43:54 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

Duchess Medusa


00:29:50 Sep 20th 09

Its one of the game tactics... Someone needs trees so he places some trees on the market cheaper, and then everyone else undercutts cause they want to sell faster. That was people that need trees can get it lot cheaper. And people that actually wanted to make some profit do not understand it and they keep making it cheaper.

Im talking about the person who kept selling at 0.4 when the merket was set at 2.6......

02:29:59 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

tactics my friend tactics get a whole kingdom to sell tree cheap and you can force the market down for all those people that want cheap tree in your kingdom for a while :)
Duration depends on if certain people want to force the market back up and if there are enough of them.

02:31:17 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

In this case though its not tactics :) why does no one listen...

02:49:17 Sep 20th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

b/c everyone knows that if you sold for 0.4 when the market was set at 2.6, it would be natived and not sold, so your situation never really appeared?

03:12:26 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

Gingerbread man...thats the same way ive sold at 0.2 gold at a 1.1 stone market before early era and it for some reason never got EVERYONE on vu knows nativing doesnt always work exactly as planned...

(p.s it did happen because i was the one who bought the guys tree and then resold it more expensive)

13:13:02 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

then you have no idea how to native properly :P

13:25:43 Sep 20th 09 - Duke Random:

can this thread be deleted.. i don't like it :/

13:41:44 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Supply and demand...

14:23:50 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

Mr. Pingvinai Daug


13:13:02 Sep 20th 09 then you have no idea how to native properly :P

The Nativing system has bugs , the vu admin has said it on several occasions which causes things that should be sold to natives to , for some reason not.

so its not due to me not knowing but due to BUGS...

and it wasnt me who done it anyway so :S

14:30:55 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

I get a guarenteed 40% everytime on market price. on any product

05:54:54 Sep 24th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

Lower the prices back down!! I need tree and everyone else needs tree MAKE THE PRICE at .75 or .8!!

MAXXX you cn go up to 1.0

Otherwise its too expensive!!

08:47:16 Sep 24th 09 - Mr. Ants:

if you NEED the tree then you should have to pay the price it is

08:57:12 Sep 24th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Economic warfare.  Splendid!  Always annoying when the native peeps get a bargain instead of stopping an enemy making a sale though...

13:29:33 Sep 24th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

the tree will be baught eventually enemy or not..

so might as well lower it to .75...

13:56:36 Sep 24th 09 - Duke Random:

nah lower, .5 like previous era's... I love to whore :)

14:53:37 Sep 24th 09 - Mr. Pieguy:

is this seriously ment to be put in politics?

03:05:15 Sep 25th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

lol lowest amount of tree the better

04:09:01 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great: are selling your freshly cut bundles of firewood for 3.8 a tree. that is highway robbery! I will cruise on by your highway hole in da wall stand to the next pit stop to find my lumber. only a few miles down the road and they sell their tree for 2.0 or cheaper :p

Mantrax will NOT stand for this kind of inflation! :|

04:15:24 Sep 25th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

Nor will I!!!!!!!!!!


19:25:39 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

*thumbs up* you tell um pesterd

23:48:43 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Procrastinating Skygod:

maybe he's investing for next era?

00:33:36 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

he secretly transfers all his funds from one era to the next. that is why he is so ahead! zeta zeta zeta! Drunkoldman is cheat!

16:10:04 Sep 27th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

haha its ok

the price is much lower now :P

21:45:50 Oct 4th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

*breathes a sigh of relief* i saw tree at .69 today so i bought like 3mil :) me need tree

18:49:28 Oct 5th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

haha its so high right now but watevs ill live..

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